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From the beginning of organized government, religion has made an impact on the way governments make laws and run the country. This exibit will expolre works that hit on the topic of religion and government and how they interact in the founding of The United States and its early history.

The Puritan commonwealth An historical review of the Puritan government in Massachusetts in its civil and ecclesiastical relations from its rise to the abrogation of the first charter
The Puritan Commonwealth.
An historical review of the Puritan government in Massachusetts
With the forming of the United States as a religious haven, most of the first settlers crossed the Atlantic ocean to flee religious persecution and to find a place where they could practice a more pure form of their beliefs.  This new way of life development the Government in line with religious views.   This article explores the Puritan communities and the Government in Massachusetts.
Bradford's leadership in the Plymouth plantation very effectively set up the representative form of government that was used as the basics for Massachusetts.  His views on society and faith helped to foster civil laws.  This article goes in depth on the Economic side in relation to Puritans and government.
Merchants, Money, and the Economics of "Plain Style" in William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation
Merchants, Money, and the Economics of "Plain Style" in William Bradford's of Plymouth Plantation
Michelle Burnham
[Untitled Review]
Puritan and Yankee
The Winthrop Dynasty of New England 1630-1717
John Winthrop was dedicated to public service.  Over the many years he served as Governor and stepped down when his fellow men wanted someone new only to serve again as Governor a few years later.  Winthrop saw the problems of the Church and State in England which was why he took his family to the New World.  Once there he began to form a new government that he never fully got to see, which was a transformation from Puritan to Yankee.
Benjamin Franklin was far from religious, but he was one of the founding fathers of the United States and a very smart man in most fields of study.  He worked with many people and had views of policy and found that religion should not influence the Government as religion is more emotional than practical for passing legislation.
[Untitled Review]
Benjamin Franklin and the Zealous
[Untitled Review]
The Political Thought of Roger Williams
This article ingages in the Political thought of Roger Williams. His idea of Government was that of separation of Church and State. He sees the State with individual men in a Civil Society rather than the collective view of Puritan life style.
A large part of the removal of Religion from Government in the United States was the increase of industrialization in the process of becoming modern.  This article looks at the fall of Puritan power and deep faith in God, to the forming of a Nation that will be known as a melting pot for years to come.
The Sovereignty of the Secular and the Power of Religion
The Sovereignty of the Secular and the Power of Religion
America started as a place to practice true faith and religion.  Thousands took the dangerous voyage to the colonies of self governing people who believed the religious freedom.  It is clear the many of the ideology of Government comes from religious backgrounds and was fostered by the people who settled this land.  But with the modernization of the country and the founding of a new nation, that of many different colonies turned states, government turned away from its routes in religion to form a place where all could believe in what they believed in, a place of freedom.