
Wolfshohl ENGL 227 Project


Bradstreet considered her job as a writter to be dealing with personal, spirtiual and family issues.  These things were more often dealt with by women so by addressing these issues as a writter her works would be less harshly critized.  Because she chose to address these personal matters, today we are able to see how people living during this time thought about problems they faced, either emotionally or spiritually. 

Anne Bradstreet: Poet in Search of Form
Anne Bradstreet: Poet in Search of Form

Bradstreet was a well educated woman who moved to Massachusetts from England.  She used her writting to help her adapt to her new enviroment. Through her writting she expressed her longing to be back at her old home where things were not as strange and the conditions not as primitive.  She was more educated than the average woman during her time and through her poems she appears as a very well cultured woman who knows her place as a writter would not be well accepted. 

Anne Bradstreet Poems

Her poems where first published in London, and in 1678 her poems where published in Boston.  Which made her the first women to have her works published in colonial America.

Going Public: Women in Nineteenth-Century Cultural History
Going Public: Women in Nineteenth-Century Cultural History
In the nineteenth-century women began to have a voice in the public sphere.  While it was not a loud voice it was a beginning.  Women began to enter the work force, volunteer, and have their writing published.  Because of the uncertainty exhibited towards women it was particularly difficult for them to choose a subject that was considered appropriate for women to discuss.  Bradstreet does this by writing about household, spiritual, and emotional matters. 
Not Just Filler and Not Just Sentimental: Women's Poetry in American Victorian Periodicals, 1860-1900
Not Just Filler and Not Just Sentimental: Women`s Poetry in American Victorian Periodicals, 1860-1900
This article talks about the fact that these poems written by women were not just sentimental writings instead they helped transform the role of women in America and opened the doors for more women's rights movements to begin.  These doors were opened because women like Bradstreet were willing to take a risk and do something that was not considered normal for women.  She stepped out of the boundaries given to women and in so doing opened doors for the countless women that lived after her.   
[Untitled Review]
[Untitled Review]

This article discusses how Puritan liturature was used to draw a connection between what happened in everyday life to God's will for their life.  Because of the high value placed on religion this subject was considered appropriate to write about as apposed to mere feelings.  Bradstreet's poems, specifically exhibit this quality.  Many of her poems are her comming to terms with what has happened in her life (for example when her house was burnt down), and excepting them as what God has planned for her life. 

[Untitled Review]
[Untitled Review]

Anne Bradstreet used her poems to come to terms with her religious belifes, this article suggests that she wrote on these subjects not merely because it was the only acceptible topic but rather because these were her internal battles she dealt with everyday.  When her house was burnt she wrote because she had feelings she needed to express.  She did not write to seem like a fictional character, she wrote to explain her everyday life.  Some of her poems were never meant to be published but were written to her family as personal letters.

Anne Bradstreet, through her Poems, was able come to better understand her religion and how it worked in her life.  She gives us a glimpse into her personal life and what she thought about her husband and children.  I think that women living at the same time as Bradstreet were not so different as women today.  They had questions about why things happen in life and how to deal with those issues.  It is so easy to look at pictures of these women and how they dressed and think we have nothing in common with them.  Perhaps we can learn from them, we can read Bradstreet's poems and know that there have always been the same questions and problems therefore we can feel relived that we are not the first generation to encounter family, religious and cultural problems.